Article 49 Administrative and financial expenses incurred by enterprise's administrative sectors for organizing and managing production and operation, purchase expenses on commodities purchased, and sales expenses for selling commodities and providing service, shall be directly accounted as periodic expense in the current profit and loss. 第四十九条企业行政管理部门为组织和管理生产经营活动而发生的管理费用和财务费用,为销售和提供劳务而发生进货费用、销售费用,应当作为期间费用,直接计入当期损益。
The proposed recursive integral PI algorithm can also be applied to the control of periodic reference current with zero steady-state error, such as sin AC drive control. 所提出的模糊递推积分PI控制算法还可以对周期性的被控量实现无静差控制,如交流电机的闭环控制。
Definition of Reactive Power in Nonsinusoidal Periodic Current Circuit 非正弦周期电流电路无功功率实用定义
Fault voltage is selected to be Duffing oscillator periodic driving force and fault current is the disturbing force. 采用Duffing振子周期策动力为故障电压,摄动力为故障电流。
CAI of non-sinusoidal periodic current circuit 非正弦周期电流电路的CAI
Preparation of LiNbO_3 crystals with periodic laminar domains by electric current modulation 电流调制法制备聚片多畴LiNbO3晶体
Study on the process of Pd-Ni alloy plating with pulse and periodic reverse current 脉冲法及周期换向法电镀钯-镍合金工艺研究
The effect of plating technology with adjustable periodic reverse pulse current on the internal stress of the nickel deposits was studied and the plating parameters were established. 本文采用正交实验及其分析方法研究了可调周期换向脉冲电镀工艺对瓦特镍镀层应力的影响,确定了脉冲镀镍的新工艺。
Interactions of the vortex induced reconnection processes in periodic multiple current sheet systems 周期性多电流片系统中涡旋诱发重联过程的相互作用
Study on high current density copper electrorefining by periodic reversible current 周期反向电流法高电流密度电解精炼铜的研究
Study on Electroplating Fe-Cr-Ni Alloy with the periodic Reverse Pulse Current in a Aqueous Solution 在水溶液中周期换向脉冲电流电镀Fe-Cr-Ni合金研究
Influence of Periodic Reverse Pulse Current on the Performance of Steeling Coating 周期反向脉冲对镀铁性能的影响
Periodic focusing of high current electron beams 周期场聚焦电子束
Pulse and periodic reverse current are applied to study Pb-Ni alloy plating. 本文将脉冲法及周期换向法与直流法进行对比,对电镀Pd-Ni合金做了研究。
They were periodic reverse pulse current with pulse both in positive and negative direction and that with pulse only in positive direction, respectively. 两种周期换向脉冲电流分别为周期换向双脉冲电流和周期换向正向间断负向连续的脉冲电流。
Departing from calculated formula of periodic current and voltage effective value, two frequently sinusoidal pulse waves in electronic circuit have been analyzed. The analysis process is simple. This paper has some reference value for solving technical problem. 本文从周期性电流和电压有效值的计算公式出发,分析了电子电路中两种常见的正弦脉冲波,分析过程简单明了,对解决有关技术问题有一定借鉴价值。
The results of numerical simulation demonstrate the transient behavior of weld pool and the periodic variation of fluid flow and heat transfer with the periodic variation of welding current in stationary pulsed current TIG weld pool. 计算结果展示了脉冲TIG焊接过程中,随着焊接电流的周期性变化,熔池流场与热场的周期性变化规律以及熔池形成的动态发展过程。
Dynamic behavior of ventricular cell under periodic perturbation current 心室肌细胞在周期性电流刺激下的动力学行为
The comparison of electrode Surface roughening in pulsating current and periodic reverse current electrodeposition of metals P.C及R.C电镀时电极表面粗糙度的比较
Periodic pair-current modulation in Josephson junctions 关于临界电流被周期性调制的约瑟夫逊结
The gas bubble evolution introduces the periodic fluctuation of potential or current. 由于阳极气泡的析出,引起电极电位或电流的波动。
Because the height of micro tips on cathode surface can be eroded by the negative current, surface finishing is better in the micro-electroforming by periodic reverse pulse current than pulse current. 由于负向电流可以腐蚀削减铸层表面微观突起的生长高度,因此周期换向脉冲电流微电铸与单向正脉冲电流微电铸相比更易获得较好的铸层均匀性。
Comparing with the conventional direct current, it shows that both pulse and periodic reverse current can improve the physical and chemical properties of the Pd-Ni coatings, but the periodic reverse current seems more efficient. 研究表明,采用脉冲法及周期换向法均能改善和提高Pd-Ni合金镀层的物理性能和化学性能,但周期换向法效果更为显著。
A Study on Aluminium Alloy Anodizing and Coloring Technology with Periodic Reverse Direct Current 铝合金换向电流法氧化发色工艺的研究
Periodic anti direction current stabilizing equipment and monitored controlsystem for 100 000 t copper electrolyzer 10万t铜电解周期反向稳流装置及监控系统
Asymmetric and periodic potential was used to describe the interaction between motor proteins and filaments that were periodic and polar. The current and effective potential in the two-state model were calculated. 采用非对称周期势来描述马达蛋白与具有周期性和极性的微丝轨道之间的相互作用,计算了马达蛋白两态模型的几率流和有效势之间的关系。
From two aspects of both the frequency domain and the time domain, the decomposition approaches for the nonsinusoidal periodic current are analyzed. The definition. 分别从频域和时域2个方面,分析了非正弦周期电流的分解方法,讨论了各电流分量的定义、物理意义、作用以及它们之间的关系。
Objective: To study the movement modes of the ventricular cells under periodic perturbation current. 目的:研究心室肌细胞在外加周期性电流作用下的运动模式。
The periodic current subtransient attenuation of generator is taken into consideration, when calculating the short-circuit of generators, and the decay time constant is corrected in view of the line impedance when the short-circuit point is away from the bus-bar. 2. 在计算发电机短路电流时,考虑周期分量的超瞬态衰减,考虑短路发生在远离汇流排位置时线路阻抗对短路电流的影响,并对周期分量衰减时间常数进行修正。
And When the load current is a periodic current, integral in a cycle for absolute value of subtracting the fundamental reactive current from the load current is the least. 和当负载电流为周期电流时,负载电流与基波无功电流差的绝对值在一个周期内的积分值最小。